Increasing the percentage of U-235 in the material enhances the fuel’s ability to sustain fission reactions which means the reactor can be smaller, use
Reactor Control
Reactor Dynamics Changing Power Level To change the power level we need the ability to change the core conditions to our liking, making it critical,
Building a Reactor
A nuclear reactor is just a system that can get heavy elements to break apart in an efficient manner. The reactor itself, the nuclear core,
Decay Heat & Power Density
History has shown the main cause of nuclear accidents is the inability to remove heat from the fuel after the nuclear chain reactions have been
Fuel & Fission
Nuclear Fuel To make a nuclear reactor core, we need some magic rocks – nuclear fuel. We have a lot of elements and isotopes to pick
Atoms & Energy
This is an atom. It has protons with positive charge and neutrons with neutral charge. They manage to clump together despite the Coulmmb repulsive between