Nuclear Battery Factories
The MMR Assembly Plant (MAP) uses modularization and standardization to assemble and test components and accelerate MMR deployments.
Fuel Factories
The Fuel Factory will utilize uranium enriched to less than 10% from Urenco USA to fabricate Ultra Safe Nuclear's proprietary TRISO/FCM Fuel through a joint venture with Framatome.
The MMR Assembly Plant (MAP) will assemble and test the nuclear plant modules needed to supply up to 10 MMR units per year. MAP is an advanced industrial facility with no nuclear materials used or stored on site.
USNC is refining different fuel fabrication processes to de-risk deployment at scale for new production equipment at the Fuel Factory. Commercial capacity will fully support MMR Battery deployments.

TRISO Particles
TRISO particle fuel is slated for use in many advanced reactors. With recent fuel deliveries, USNC leads TRISO manufacturing in the Western world.

FCM Fuel
FCM fuel produced in our factories can be used for a wide range of advanced reactors including gas-cooled, molten-salt, and even heat pipe reactors.

Graphite Blocks
Graphite moderator blocks are loaded with FCM fuel and stacked together to form the core of the reactor. Graphite also serves as a core reflector.

Hydride Mods
Hydride moderators improve fuel burnup and reduce core and reactor size. USNC makes both proprietary canned hydrides and composite moderators.