Reduced Power Costs
The MMR® reactor saves up to 50% of heat and electricity costs in some markets and eliminates 100% of carbon emissions.
Security of Supply
The MMR® reactor requires no refueling for its lifetime of 20 years. This ensures security at the site as the reactor is sealed, and simplifies operations, while reducing the costs associated with the diesel fuel supply typically used to power remote sites.
The MMR® reactor uses safe FCM® fuel, in a safety-focused design.
Environmental Protection
The MMR® plant provides clean power and eliminates environmental risk. When the plant life is over, the nuclear fuel module will be removed and stored in a commissioned nuclear waste facility. A new module can be provided, or the site can be returned to greenfield.
Mass Produced, Widely Exportable Hardware
The MMR® plant's small size and radical simplicity allow for factory manufacturing of all but the concrete foundations. Modules will be exported to licensed sites around the globe.
Low Project Development Cost
The MMR® plant has order of magnitude lower development costs compared to other SMRs and 4th generation reactor concepts.
Long-term Predictability and Stability of Power Costs
The cost of electricity and process heat are fixed for the lifetime of the plant. MMR® plant costs and adjacent plant costs determine the the price of the electricity and heat. The predictability of energy costs allows for more accurate mine feasibility analysis and reduces the risk profile for investors.
Ultra Safe Nuclear has been developing the MMR and its FCM fuel since 2011. The MMR is the leading small modular reactor design in the Canadian licensing and siting pipeline.
Secured FCM® Fuel and MMR® Reactor Patents

Established R&D and Fabrication Laboratories
Initiated FCM® Fuel Qualification Plan
Completed Concept Design
Received Innovate UK SBRI Advanced Modular Nuclear Reactor Grant
Began Basic Design
Began Reactor Licensing Vendor Design Review II
Submitted License to Prepare Site for a Small Modular Reactor at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories' (CNL) Chalk River Site
Start of NRC Engagement
Ultra Safe Nuclear is actively developing new projects globally in communities showing overwhelming support for clean power from advanced nuclear reactors. Potential MMR customers include large industrial companies, small and large utilities, campuses, and government organizations. Our forward-thinking customers are leading the push for responsible decarbonization.